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Why can't I use the bathroom I should be using?

Using the bathroom safely should be an automatic right for everyone.  However, gender diverse people may find it unsafe to use the bathroom they should be using.  The one they identify with.​





Refuge restrooms

Database of safe restroom access.

"What's the big deal about restrooms anyway and why do we need this resource?

      One of the biggest battlefields upon which the fight for transgender rights is taking place daily are restrooms. It seems that every other week a transgender child is made the center of a national news story because they used the restroom assigned to the gender they identify with. Obviously, we believe that every transgender person should have the right to use the restroom they want to.

      However, we also realize that despite legislative victories in recent years regarding restroom usage, many transgender individuals still face both verbal and physical harassment simply for using the restroom. Nobody should have to face that - and that is why we created REFUGE.

     Refuge Restrooms is a web application that seeks to provide safe restroom access for transgender, intersex, and gender nonconforming individuals. Users can search for restrooms by proximity to a search location, add new restroom listings, as well as comment and rate existing listings.

     We’re trans led and seek to create a community focused not only on finding existing safe restroom access, but also advocating for transgender, intersex, and gender nonconforming people’s safety.

     The first 4500 entries are thanks to the old Safe2Pee database. The rest of our database is generated by our users. If you know of a gender neutral or safe restroom, please add it to our database!

   We firmly believe that everybody has the right to use the restroom in safety and we wanted the name of our application to have a little of same dignity we want to give our users. Quite simply, we hope to provide a place of refuge in your time of need.​"​



Being non binary in the bathroom (and change rooms)
By Ashley Wylde. YouTube video. 2016.
“This week I tell another story about being misgendered in public, and explain what came up for me about bathrooms and changing rooms.”



By Rainbow Health Ontario (RHO), a project of Shelbourne Health.

Graphics of various washroom signs.

"RHO has designed 8 new washroom for everyone signs! Choose the one best suited to your facilities to make your building more welcoming and inclusive of trans and non-binary people. You can download the PDF and print it yourself. The most user friendly type of washrooms is single user, gender neutral, accessible, and includes change tables. This type of washroom can be used by everyone and maximizes privacy."


What are all gender restrooms?

By the Gender & Sexuality Resource Center, University of Northern Colorado.

"All gender restrooms are facilities that people of any gender expression or gender identity are permitted to use."

Click for info graphic.


You’re in the wrong bathroom! And 20 other myths and misconceptions about transgender and gender-nonconforming people
By Laura Erickson-Schroth, MD and Laura A. Jacobs, LCSW-R.  2017.   (US)
“From Laverne Cox and Caitlyn Jenner to Thomas Beatie ('the pregnant man') and transgender youth, coverage of trans lives has been exploding—yet so much misinformation persists. Bringing together the medical, social, psychological, and political aspects of being trans in the United States today, You’re in the Wrong Bathroom! And 20 Other Myths About Transgender and Gender-Nonconforming People unpacks the twenty-one most common myths and misconceptions about transgender and gender-nonconforming people.

​Authors Laura Erickson-Schroth, MD, a psychiatrist, and Laura A. Jacobs, LCSW-R, a psychotherapist, address a range of fallacies:

*  Trans People Are 'Trapped in the Wrong Body'

*  You’re Not Really Trans If You Haven’t Had 'the Surgery'

*  Trans People Are a Danger to Others, Especially Children

*  Trans People Are Mentally Ill and Therapy Can Change Them

*  Trans People and Feminists Don’t Get Along”








 The Trans Parent Alberta 101 website is a compilation

of resources found in the public domain. Use your discretion.

​The creators of this site take no responsibility for the use of these resources.


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