Clickclick on Sidebar Menu to go to:
- Undergarments - Binders - Swimsuits - Gender Neutral Clothing -
Personal Services.
- Hair Stylists - Hair Removal Services -
Voice Training.
Bathroom Issues.

Parents may find themselves looking for products to help their trans or non-binary child as they progress through social transitions. Often, and particularly for female to male (FTM) and male to female (MTF) children, there is a need to find undergarments which affirm the person’s identity. Products such as these are tools which can greatly enhance the mental health of their child. There are various products such as swimsuits that are appropriate for trans children. There are recommendations from parents to find gender neutral clothing as well.
​NOTE: Recommend to parents to do research and use your discretion. None of these products have been evaluated by us. Most were recommended by parents on support group sites for parents of trans children. * Some of these resources are 18+ or have adult items. *
- Canada – Manufacturers
- Canada - Retailers
See "Trans-Friendly Businesses" under "Allies. Advocates. Businesses." tab in main Menu for those sites which maintain lists of trans-friendly businesses.
Alberta-wide supports. Including:
"...offers help in finding gender affirmation in day to day life, and supports health and wellness beyond medical care."
----------- Social Transition: "There is no one way to transition and there are many options for transitioning that are not medical. Not everyone who socially transitions wants to medically transition, and social and medical transition timelines do not always align. Do what works for you! Below you will find information on Social Transition."
----------- Gender Affirming Gear: "Gender affirming gear can help us feel more comfortable in our bodies and can influence the way people see us in the world. Trying out different options can be a relatively simple and approachable way to explore gender presentation on your own terms. If you choose to wear gender-affirming gear there are some health considerations to think about because being safe while being comfortable is important."
" The Pride Centre of Edmonton Binder Exchange Program is available to help reduce the barriers for folks to access gender-affirming clothing and alike. We strive to provide chest binders (specially-designed chest compression garments) to individuals that otherwise may not have access to safer chest binding methods– whether due to lack of funds, no access to a credit card to purchase one online, or not being able to purchase from one of the local sellers. It was also created so that people no longer using their old binders could easily pass them on to someone else. To understand the process of receiving a binder please see our receiving a binder guide."
Calgary-based, but Alberta-wide supports.
“The Trans Affirming Network is a collection of local businesses who all share the value that it is essential to create spaces that are welcoming, respectful and inclusive of trans and gender diverse folks and are committed to working to provide this spaces themselves.
Members include businesses in the following categories:
• Mental Health & Counselling
• Skincare & Hair Removal
• Hairstyling & Barbering
• Beauty & Fashion
• Personal Services (massage therapists, physiotherapists, chiropractors, etc.)
• Food, Art & Recreation
----- Expressions Program & Gender Affirming Gear:
"We help people express themselves the way they want through safe opportunities to learn skills including: • Style and wardrobe • Hair and makeup • General grooming and hygiene"
----- Gender Gear Info Sheets
"These sheets contain information around fitting, wearing, cleaning and other helpful tips for various forms of gender affirming gear and garments.
Binders and packers. Breastforms and gaffs.
----- Voice Lessons
"Skipping Stone partners with local voice coach, Jane MacFarlane, to host a series of 8 one-hour virtual group voice classes. The classes typically run from 7-8 pm on Tuesday evenings, have a maximum of 24 participants in them and are appropriate for anyone over the age of 16. Each class builds off the previous one, so commitment is encouraged.
The classes are specifically designed for folks who are looking to connect with their full range, including expanding access to the upper or lower ranges, in a safe and holistic manner. Voice work and changes take time, patience and practice and are a lifelong journey for many. This class provides a set of breathing techniques, vocal training exercises and gentle body stretching that can help start the groundwork for connecting to your breath and stretching the range, pitch and tone of sound you make. The exercises include sitting, standing and lying down, though you can do what feels best for you. A lot of class time is spent on warm-up breathing exercises, and some exercises involve making interesting noises."
​My best friend's closet
Making Changes Association. Calgary.​
Free stylish clothing for girls ages 12-18 with financial barriers. Trans Inclusive.
"My Best Friend’s Closet is a youth empowerment program that provides high quality and on trend clothing, shoes and accessories to IN-NEED youth identifying as female for their school and recreational needs.
At Making Changes, we are committed to creating an environment of inclusion and welcome ALL who identify as women regardless of age, race/ethnicity, religion, gender identity, sexual orientation or physical ability. "
The Get REAL Movement. London, Ontario. (Canada)
"Bind Safe is an informational hub and educational video series promoting safe binding practices, education around the basics of gender dysphoria, and additional resources for youth, parents, medical professionals, and allies."
[Get REAL began as a small student project in 2011, at Western University. As O-Week volunteer leaders, we saw excellent results combatting homophobic, transphobic, and racist language and attitudes one-to-one with our first year students: countless students changing their language within a matter of days, and countless others coming out to us and telling us they felt comfortable being themselves. We wanted to see if our approach – friendly, honest, diverse, and personal-story driven – could be translated into a workshop for some of our old high schools, and the idea for Get REAL was born.]
Gender essentials
By Gender Creative Kids, Quebec.
"This program identifies gender affirmation for youth as an essential need, and seeks to provide gender affirming gear & support in a a safe, accessible and non-judgemental way. To learn more about different types of gender-affirming gear, please visit our Gender Essentials program page"
​​e.g. What is a gaff? “A gaff is an undergarment that is put on like regular underwear, but it is lined at the front to flatten the organs and give a smooth appearance.”
Social & personal care
By the Trans Wellness Initiative. Alberta.
“This section offers help in finding gender affirmation in day to day life, and supports health and wellness beyond medical care.”
​Wearing a binder: Physiological effects
By Meaghan Ray. Purple and Green and the Life In Between blog post. Dec 2019
“Wearing a binder is sometimes the only way that a person with dysphoria related to having breasts can leave the house. The psychological and emotional impacts of dysphoria are often worse than the physical discomfort from the binder. But that doesn’t mean we should ignore the binder’s effects on our body.”
​Wearing a binder: Recommendations and exercises
By Meaghan Ray. Purple and Green and the Life In Between blog post. Dec 2019. Alberta.
Specific exercises and recommendations for comfort.
Chest binding: A physician’s guide
By Jamie Moffa. April 2019. (US)
“Transgender and gender nonbinary individuals may choose to engage in various gender-affirming practices to reduce gender dysphoria or present in a way that is more congruent with their gender identity. This article is a primer for physicians on counseling their gender-expansive patients on chest binding, a practice used primarily by transgender men and nonbinary individuals in order to achieve a flatter, more masculine chest appearance.”
“Pride in Practice empowers providers to give excellent care to LGBT patients with clinical education and resources.”
Genital tucking for trans-feminine patients
By Jamie Moffa. July 2019. (US)
“Genital tucking is a practice employed by some transgender women and gender nonconforming individuals to minimize or hide the contour (bulge) of their genitals, creating a flatter and more feminine appearance.
Genital tucking is critically important to the mental health of many transgender and gender nonconforming individuals. However, tucking is not without its health risks (though peer-reviewed research specific to genital tucking is sparse).”
“Pride in Practice empowers providers to give excellent care to LGBT patients with clinical education and resources.”
​How does tucking work and is it safe?
Written by Kaleb Oliver Dornheim. Medically reviewed by Janet Brito, PhD, LCSW, CST on October 17, 2017. (US)
Packers and stand-to-pee devices for trans-masculine patients
By Jamie Moffa. May 2019. (US)
“Transgender and nonbinary individuals may choose to engage in various gender-affirming practices to reduce gender dysphoria or present in a way that is more congruent with their gender identity. Trans-masculine and nonbinary individuals may practice “packing”– using a purchased or homemade device to create a masculine-appearing bulge suggestive of male genitals. This population may also use devices that allow them to urinate standing up, known as stand-to-pee devices (STPs), which may double as packers. As a health care provider, being familiar with these devices can assist in counseling transgender and nonbinary patients. Pride in Practice empowers providers to give excellent care to LGBT patients with clinical education and resources.”
Why do trans men wear binders?
By Freddie Lewis for Unite UK. Aug 2020.
"A lot of trans men wear binders prior to having top surgery. This helps to alleviate chest dysphoria, and in most cases cause a person to have a flat chest.
The discomfort that trans men feel surrounding their chest is usually later alleviated permanently by top surgery, but this is hard to access for some people, so a binder helps in the meantime. Some people chose not to undergo top surgery and so bind for life! That’s fine too! It is worth noting that not all trans men bind, and not all people who bind are trans men!"
Montreal, Quebec.
"Want to tuck safely? No tape, no gaff required. We've got you covered with underwear made especially for your transgender body, larger at the crotch to provide enough coverage, made with high quality fabrics for comfort and softness plus flat seams located on the outside for a comfortable, unmarket fit.
Designed by a mom - Inspired by her trans girl. Safely tucking, a promise of innovative technology and inspiring designs, which gives transgender girls and women the freedom to be themselves. ...panties and swimsuits promote comfort and well-being, during all your activities."
Brand new Canadian company launched Jan 2022. Their website is in both English and French.
​Toronto, Ontario.
A Toronto dad inspired by his daughter to create a swimwear brand for trans girls.
“Form-fitting clothing for trans girls. We want every active trans girl to be as confident and comfortable in her clothes as her friends.”
Click to go to Blog.
​Trucs d’enfants / Kid’s Stuff
Montreal, Quebec.
“Kid’s Stuff / Trucs d’enfants] offers gender neutral and grow with me, made in Montreal with environmentally friendly fabrics, for children from 0 to 8 years. Kid’s Stuff [Trucs d’enfants] offers gender neutral and grow with me, made in Montreal with environmentally friendly fabrics, for children from 0 to 8 years.”
Click to go to Facebook page or Retailer locator.
Toronto, Ontario
“urBasics was created by a Toronto trans woman and her mom, an ally of the trans community, to respond to the need for a Canadian store with gear for gender expression and affirmation. We offer a curated collection of gender expression gear for any point along or outside of the gender spectrum and for various stages of transition.”
Toronto, Ontario.
Clothing, wigs, etc. Large size clothing and footwear as well.
“Since 1987 – We make Women’s clothing designed to fit tall women and men at Take A Walk On The Wildside in Toronto. People love our clothes and large size high heels too! We have one-stop shopping for your whole body – clip-on earrings, we sell Pleaser Shoes in Canada in Toronto – large size women’s wide width ladies shoes and boots to size 17, wigs, jewelry, clip-on earrings, makeup, corsets, lingerie, gloves, costumes, books and magazines.... (etc).”
Vancouver, BC
“Gender affirming undergarments made in Canada”. A store that has added gender-affirming undergarments. Note: some other items they sell may be for 18+
Little Leaf Baby
5232 Windermere Blvd, Edmonton
Listed on the "Trucs d’enants" website as a retail outlet/store.
Edmonton retail store.
They carry some stock clothing (binders, compression garments, etc).
Edmonton retail store.
NOTE: 18+ to view. Most items are for adults, but parents may be able to find binders, packers, and appropriate underwear for their child.
Toronto, Ontario
"Founded in 1997, GenderGear.ca is a worker-owned co-operative located in Ontario, Canada. Owned-and-operated by trans and gender variant folks, we're here to make finding gender gear simple, easy, and affordable. We wear, read, and use all of the stuff we stock, and we only carry products we truly love!" Binders, gaffs, packers, etc. Note: Some items may be 18+ to view.
NOTE: Recommend 18+ to view.
“FTM Essentials is a website where folks looking for gender expression gear can shop safely. We have over 19 years experience in the field and are happy to answer your questions anytime.“ Binders, packers, etc. (US)
Maryland, US.
“gc2b is proud to be the very first gender-affirming apparel company that is trans-owned and operated. Since 2014, founder and CEO Marli Washington has been using his experience as a trans man of color to design binding options that are safe, accessible, and comfortable, including people of all shapes, sizes, and colors.”
“LeoLines is a small business specializing in unique, quality handmade items for the transgender community - underwear, bathing suits, bras, and binders. I make transgender undergarments for male to female (mtf) and for female to male (ftm). These include bathing suits, bras, panties, and binders.”
Go to: Facebook page. Etsy site.
Peau de Loup. (US)
A US company, but this is their Canadian website. More masculine trending.
Florida, US.
"Gender neutral clothing."
“At Outplay we believe everyone should be able to feel and look great in what they wear. We don’t think you should have to conform to only what has always been available even if its not really what you need or want. We are here to design and make that piece of clothing that fits just right, holds, hides, binds or shows exactly what you’ve always wanted to hold, hide, bind, or show. We believe in great quality and great fitting clothing.“
“Fashionable, size-inclusive, gender affirming clothing. Since 2014 Shapeshifters has led the way for fashionable, size-inclusive, gender affirming clothing. From its start on a shared Etsy store in a living room in Brooklyn, Shapeshifters has grown into its own studio in southern Vermont, employs four people, and has customers all over the world. We offer the largest range of skin tones available on the market, the largets size range, and the widest style range out there.” (US)
“When our founders, Fran and Naomi, started TomboyX out of their garage, they did so because of one simple fact – they wanted underwear that fit who they are, not who others told them to be. It became very clear very quickly that they were not alone. We believe that everything you put on your body should make you feel great exactly as you are, and help you express yourself without constraint. That means we are dedicated to not only making high-quality apparel but making it fit everyone who loves it. From adaptive underwear to super-soft pajamas, and striving to make our supply chain an ethical example for the rest of the industry, we are who we are because of the community we are a part of. And that’s you. So thank you.” (US)
“TransTape is a gender-affirming, body transformation system for trans-masculine, trans-feminine, non-binary, gender-fluid & gender non-conforming individuals who are looking for a backless and waterproof alternative to traditional binding, packing & other self affirming uses.” Website includes detailed information on using TransTape.
NOTE: Must be 18+ to view site. (US)
“Here you will find all things related to medically based transition for FTM / Transguys / bois / Genderqueer”
Click here for link to their page specifically for parents:
“As you most likely know or assume, all of our products in/on this category for you and your kids are to assist them with their medical gender transition, and in no way intended to sexualize your child or to be presented as items for sex. By offering these transition related products, we strongly support the medical community, therapists and families in choosing the correct and best items that make sense for your child and your family during his transition. We want your child to feel confident in their body; at home, school, and playground, to fit in and be strong advocates for themselves no matter where they are or whom they come in contact with. We are honored you are choosing Tranzwear as a partner to assist you and your child on their very important journey. Please feel free to email us with any questions or concerns, we are happy to assist. Check out our "Resource" page for other information for your family.”
Oregon, US.
“We are thrilled to be offering a comfortable underwear option for trans femme kids, youth, AND adults here on etsy.com! Thank you for browsing and please inquire with any questions you may have. Tuck Buddies blossomed not long after my own daughter transitioned at the age of six. Having previously made cloth diapers and then training pants for my family and friends, it was a natural progression to figure out a comfortable and affirming option for transgender folks. As she and others who loved Tuck Buddies grew up, I was able to expand the sizing to what it is today, comfy undies for every body. Thank you to all the amazing parents out there who are supporting and loving their kiddos with their whole hearts and I send love and support to all who need a little extra mom hug.”
Florida, US.
Produces binders, compression garments, etc.
“We’re on a mission to rethink gender norms and how they show up in fashion. We embrace our masculine, our feminine, and our-everything-in-between.” (US)
A Toronto dad inspired by his daughter to create swimwear brand for trans girls. Toronto, Ontario.
“Form-fitting clothing for trans girls. We want every active trans girl to be as confident and comfortable in her clothes as her friends.”
Ruby Shines (RUBIES) "Every Girl Deserves to Shine Campaign"
"Proceeds from their 'Every Girl Deserves to Shine' t-shirts go towards RUBIES goal of sending 1000 pairs of swimwear to trans girls from families in need. RUBIES recognizes that not all families are able to buy our swimwear. "
RUBIES free swimwear application
Ruby Shines article
"Toronto dad inspired by his daughter to create swimwear brand for trans girls".
By Amy Carlberg. BlogTO article. 2020. (Toronto )
Making a splash: Swimwear for transgender and non-binary youth
SimplyGoodForm blog, April 2019.
​Non binary swim wear
By Ashley Wylde. YouTube video. Jul 2017. (US)
“Here are my candid thoughts and experiences with wearing various types of swim suits, as a person who identifies as nonbinary. Swim wear is hard for a lot of different kinds of people, but I believe being in a bathing suit that makes you feel comfortable can make a world of difference.”
Victoria, BC
“Nozone is the North American leader in sun protective clothing and has been since 1996.“ Not specifically for trans or non-binary children, but some of their clothing is appropriate.
7 Canadian brands to shop for gender neutral clothing
By Britta Bisig. Style Canada magazine, Jun 11, 2020.
27 Sustainable gender neutral brands and gender inclusive clothing for every body
By Isobella Wolfe. Good On You website. Dec 2020.
"As traditional gender roles are evolving, and more and more people learn and accept that not everyone fits into the boxes of 'man' and 'woman', so too are industries beginning to cater for the entire spectrum of beautiful gender-diverse humans we share our spaces with!"
"Dapper Boi is a gender-neutral and size-inclusive apparel line founded in 2015 by married couple, Vicky and Charisse Pasche. They’re partners in business and in life and still somehow able to raise twin preschoolers without going (completely) grey."
Emplowerment via clothing: Ohio's OLLY AWAKE launches new gender-fluid collection
By The Buckeye Flame, Nov 12, 2021.
"Founded in 2016, OLLY AWAKE is a gender equal brand created by K Terry Smith and Celeste Malvar-Stewart. With a core aim of 'disrupting and subverting gender norms through intentionally designed pieces,' OLLY AWAKE’s clothes have no gender labels and their sales channels have no gender sections or divisions."
"We believe clothing has the power to change the world. Olly Awake rejects the oppressive gender binary, and intentionally designs apparel to be gender equal, high-quality, and produced ethically in the USA using sustainable textiles." See article above about OLLY AWAKE called "Empowerment via clothing".
‘The right to be handsome’: Clothing for gender non-conforming people on the rise
By Rachel Tutera. Aug 2, 2014. Video and transcript. (US)
Interviews with various individuals.
Why we need gender non-conforming clothing
By Alexandra Kovacs. Dec 12, 2019.
“Gender non-conforming fashion refers to breaking free of gender barriers and creating clothing that is inclusive of all genders such as male, female, transgender queer and more. That could mean clothing free of any gender identifiers or feminine clothing that (is) available in men’s sizes as well as men’s clothing in women’s sizes.”
---- Some parents' suggestions where to shop for gender neutral clothing:
* H&M
* Old Navy has a gender neutral section (numerous locations)
* Hot Topic (e.g. Kingsway Mall, Edm)
* Thrift stores (e.g. Value Village)
---- Some parents' suggestions for finding jeans for shorter trans men:
* American eagle
* Aeropostale
* Hollister - all jeans come in short/regular/tall
* Zumiez https://www.zumiez.com/
* Dickies and Vans pants fit good as well
* Hot Topic
* The Gap
FTM's complete illustrated guide to looking like a (HOT) dude
By Gabriel. FTM Guide. 2015.
"There are a number of websites with tips for teaching FTMs how to pass, and I encourage you to read all that you can find. This page is intended to supplement rather than supplant them, because I don't cover the basics and they don't go far enough."
Life Outside the Binary blog post.
"This blog does not endorse the idea of 'passing' as a standard, nor do we believe it is necessary to present in a way 'typically' associated with ones identified gender in order for ones gender to be valid and respected. We support freedom of gender expression for all people, and combatting cissexist standards of appearance.
That being said, the reality for many trans people is that presenting in a way that is typically associated with ones identified gender can be necessary for a person’s safety as well as mental and emotional well-being. For that reason I am presenting these resources for people who would like to adjust their gender presentations in whatever way they feel comfortable. Disclaimer: Some of these links use “FTM” or “MTF” wording. I apologize for that."
For those organisations, who list affirming businesses in Alberta, check under section titled "Allies. Advocates. Businesses." for "Trans Affirming Businesses".
St Albert, Alberta.
"A brand new experience in personal service. We believe in education, great service, fun, positive experience, good conversation, and inclusivity. Everyone is welcome, everyone is equal, everyone is loved."
Trans Affirming Network: Hair removal businesses
The Skipping Stone Foundation. Calgary.
Mostly Calgary businesses, but Alberta-wide.
“The Trans Affirming Network is a collection of local businesses who all share the value that it is essential to create spaces that are welcoming, respectful and inclusive of trans and gender diverse folks and are committed to working to provide this spaces themselves.
Members include businesses in ...... : • Skincare & Hair Removal
See also Trans-Friendly Businesses under Allies. Advocates. Businesses. main Menu tab.
Arabella Guevara Aseo realized non-binary youth didn't have a safe place for a cut, so she made them one
By David Bell. CBC News · Posted: Jan 04, 2019.
" 'Last summer, I was doing hair for them: curling, styling, cutting. I talked to the kids and asked, 'Where do you go for a salon?' Parents said, 'My kids never go to a salon because they are afraid, they don't feel comfortable.' So the seven-year veteran stylist and trans woman got an idea. "I jokingly said, 'Don't worry, when I put up my own salon, it will be for us, it will be for everybody, and you are all welcome.' That's how I started my idea.
Aseo said that for some non-binary people, especially youth, having a salon assume their gender based on their appearance or the sound of their voice over the phone isn't ideal.
Most of the time, they want to have a haircut, but the people at the salon book them for a women's haircut. The kids are not comfortable. Sometimes they cut their own hair or their mom cuts their hair," Aseo said. "As a transgender woman myself, I wanted to give back to all of these people."
Arabella's Calgary salon is called Benj Salon by Arabella.
"What is REFUGE restrooms?
Refuge Restrooms is a web application that seeks to provide safe restroom access for transgender, intersex, and gender nonconforming individuals. Users can search for restrooms by proximity to a search location, add new restroom listings, as well as comment and rate existing listings.
We’re trans-led and seek to create a community focused not only on finding existing safe restroom access, but also advocating for transgender, intersex, and gender nonconforming people’s safety.
Why do we need this resource?
One of the biggest battlefields upon which the fight for transgender rights is taking place daily are restrooms. It seems that every other week a transgender child is made the center of a national news story because they used the restroom assigned to the gender they identify with. Obviously, we believe that every transgender person should have the right to use the restroom they want to. However, we also realize that despite legislative victories in recent years regarding restroom usage, many transgender individuals still face both verbal and physical harassment simply for using the restroom. Nobody should have to face that - and that is why we created REFUGE.
Where did you get all this data?
The first 4500 entries are thanks to the old Safe2Pee database. The rest of our database is generated by our users. If you know of a gender neutral or safe restroom, please add it to our database!
Why did you pick the name REFUGE?
We firmly believe that everybody has the right to use the restroom in safety and we wanted the name of our application to have a little of same dignity we want to give our users. Quite simply, we hope to provide a place of refuge in your time of need.
​What can we do to help?
* Add listings. The database is only as big as you make it. The more listings, the more comprehensive and valuable the resource can be.
* Spread the word. Tweet. Facebook. Blog. Whatever it is that you do, do it. Let people know about this resource.
* If you know how to code, visit GitHub and let us know about a bug, suggest an improvement, or even contribute a little bit of code and help out the project. REFUGE is open source and we can't do it without you.
* Donate. Keep your eyes peeled for an upcoming crowd funding campaign to fund some of the technology we need to use as well as to pay our fabulous designers and engineers a little bit of money for their hard and tireless work. They have been working for free to bring this service to you and we don't want anybody to work for free. Most of the core team are transgender and underemployed at this time.
By Rainbow Health Ontario (RHO), a project of Shelbourne Health.
Graphics of various washroom signs.
"RHO has designed 8 new washroom for everyone signs! Choose the one best suited to your facilities to make your building more welcoming and inclusive of trans and non-binary people. You can download the PDF and print it yourself. The most user friendly type of washrooms is single user, gender neutral, accessible, and includes change tables. This type of washroom can be used by everyone and maximizes privacy."
What are All Gender restrooms?
By the Gender & Sexuality Resource Center, University of Northern Colorado.
"All gender restrooms are facilities that people of any gender expression or gender identity are permitted to use."
You’re in the wrong bathroom! And 20 other myths and misconceptions about transgender and gender-nonconforming people
By Laura Erickson-Schroth, MD and Laura A. Jacobs, LCSW-R. 2017. (US)
“From Laverne Cox and Caitlyn Jenner to Thomas Beatie ('the pregnant man') and transgender youth, coverage of trans lives has been exploding—yet so much misinformation persists. Bringing together the medical, social, psychological, and political aspects of being trans in the United States today, You’re in the Wrong Bathroom! And 20 Other Myths About Transgender and Gender-Nonconforming People unpacks the twenty-one most common myths and misconceptions about transgender and gender-nonconforming people.
​Authors Laura Erickson-Schroth, MD, a psychiatrist, and Laura A. Jacobs, LCSW-R, a psychotherapist, address a range of fallacies:
* Trans People Are ' Trapped in the Wrong Body'
* You’re Not Really Trans If You Haven’t Had 'the Surgery'
* Trans People Are a Danger to Others, Especially Children
* Trans People Are Mentally Ill and Therapy Can Change Them
* Trans People and Feminists Don’t Get Along”
NOTE: Best to work with a professional so you do not damage your voice. For information and research purposes only. No evaluation is given for these resources.
Voice Lessons
Skipping Stone. Calgary-based but for Albertans.
"Skipping Stone partners with local voice coach, Jane MacFarlane, to host a series of 8 one-hour virtual group voice classes. The classes typically run from 7-8 pm on Tuesday evenings, have a maximum of 24 participants in them and are appropriate for anyone over the age of 16. Each class builds off the previous one, so commitment is encouraged.
The classes are specifically designed for folks who are looking to connect with their full range, including expanding access to the upper or lower ranges, in a safe and holistic manner. Voice work and changes take time, patience and practice and are a lifelong journey for many. This class provides a set of breathing techniques, vocal training exercises and gentle body stretching that can help start the groundwork for connecting to your breath and stretching the range, pitch and tone of sound you make. The exercises include sitting, standing and lying down, though you can do what feels best for you. A lot of class time is spent on warm-up breathing exercises, and some exercises involve making interesting noises."
​5 Simple and fun steps to feminize your voice – Prelude (Voice Feminization Fridays)
By TruVoice Lessons.YouTube video. 2020
Easy steps to feminize your voice with your vocal tract (VFF)
By TruVoice Lessons. YouTube video. 2020
Helping transgender people
By Gillie Stoneham. Ted Talk video. 2015
“A talk about the crucial function of our voice as part of our identity, and what that means to people who have transitioned from one gender to another. Singing, it turns out, is a really powerful tool in making changes, as is an acceptance of vulnerability. Gillie Stoneham is a voice therapist and voice coach, and has worked for many years, both clinically in the field of gender identity and with professional voice users. Her work draws on her own passion for both singing and spoken voice and understanding the power of voice in expressing emotion and identity.”
How to feminize your voice
By Catalina Pilar. Video. 2017.
“Learn how I changed my voice naturally without any help from a professional or sites/apps. Changing your voice can be a very long road, but with patience, you can do anything!”
​​One weird trick: A user’s guide to transgender voice
by Liz Jackson Hearns. Book. 2018.
"Voice is a crucial, challenging, and often unguided (or misguided) aspect of transition for transgender and gender non-binary folks. Each of us has a unique way of connecting with the world, but when that connection falls short it can leave us vulnerable. One Weird Trick is your personal voice training guide and includes information about voice and gender perception, vocal exercises, and tips to help you implement new voice and communication patterns in your daily life."
CBC Ideas podcast. (Canada)
"For the past two years, Asher and I have been documenting his gender transition with a series of audio-taped scenes and conversations. The result is our IDEAS documentary, Passaggio." Click for written story.
"‘Passaggio’ is a term from classical singing, describing the transition between vocal registers. It's also the title of a documentary by Pamela Post about the transition of her transgender son, Asher — a serious performer of vocal music. The documentary captures this intimate passaggio as Asher confronts the pain of medical procedures and the prospect of losing both his musical career and his partner."
​​Transgender voice feminisation (MTF) with Christella Antoni
By Christella Antoni. YouTube video. 2016. (UK)
Christella is a registered speech and language therapist.
​The singing teacher's guide to transgender voices
by Liz Jackson Hearns. Book. 2018.
“The Singing Teacher's Guide to Transgender Voices is a unique resource developed for singing teachers and their students. This text aids in the development of a successful, culturally competent voice pedagogy by presenting information about training and repertoire specifically tailored for transgender and gender nonconforming singers.
The world of singing is heavily gendered, from choral part divisi by "men" and "women," to the Fach system of "male" and "female" voices, to casting roles based on gender, to choosing pronouns for pop, rock, and other genres. Because many of the current systems for singing education are so firmly anchored in gender binary systems, transgender and gender nonconforming singers are often forced into groups with which they feel they don't belong.
This resource equips teachers with a sympathetic perspective on these unique struggles and with the knowledge and resources needed to guide students to a healthy, joyful, and safe singing life. It helps the academic community understand the needs of transgender students through student narratives and suggestions for navigating academic procedures and policies.
The Singing Teacher's Guide to Transgender Voices is the first book of its kind to provide thorough, organized information on the training of trans singers for music educators in both the academic and independent teaching realms."