Sex Education Books
& Other Resources
For parents looking for books discussing bodies and/or sex appropriate for their trans, non-binary or gender diverse children.
Many of these titles were recommended by parents in online private support groups for parents of LGBTQ+ children.
Trans+: Love, sex, romance, and being you
By Kathryn Gonzales, MBA & Karen Rayne, PhD. 2019.
".... is an all-inclusive, uncensored guide for teens who are transgender, nonbinary, gender-nonconforming, or gender-fluid. TRANS+answers all your questions, easy and hard, about gender and covers mental health, physical health and reproduction, transitioning, relationships, sex, and life as a trans or nonbinary individual. It''s full of essential information you need -- and want -- to know and includes real-life stories from teens like you!"
Welcome to consent: How to say no, when to say yes, and everything in between
By Yumi Stynes & Dr Melissa Kang. May 2021.
"An inclusive, frank and funny guide to navigating consent for tweens and teens of all genders, from the award-winning authors of Welcome To Your Period.
Adolescent health experts Dr Melissa Kang and Yumi Stynes have written the only guide you need to figuring out the rules of consent. Whether you’re a curious 11 to 14-year-old, or the parent of someone with a bunch of questions, this book is reassuring, interesting, and full of the info you need!
I'm ready for this book if:
I’m curious about how consent works.
I will get a haircut or visit the doctor on my own one day.
I think I might kiss someone or have a relationship in the future (even if I’m not ready to yet).
I don’t know how to actually TALK about consent.
It’s hard to say no.
I don’t know when to say yes.
I find consent confusing!"
You be you! The kid's guide to gender, sexuality and family
By Jonathan Branfman. Ages 7-11. 2019.
"This is an illustrated children's book for ages 7-11 that makes gender identity, sexual orientation and family diversity easy to explain to children. Throughout the book kids learn that there are many kinds of people in the world and that diversity is something to be celebrated. It covers gender, romantic orientation, discrimination, intersectionality, privilege, and how to stand up for what's right.
With charming illustrations, clear explanations, and short sections that can be dipped in and out of, this book helps children think about how to create a kinder, more tolerant world." A Moonbeam Children's Book Awards Gold Medal Winner.
Your whole body: From your head to your toes, and everything in between!
By Lizzie DeYoung Charbonneau. Feb 4, 2022.
"... helps parents teach their children the names for their genitals in a comfortable and natural way by seamlessly weaving in the explanations and illustrations for private parts as the book explores our amazing human bodies from head to toes!
Your Whole Body is a must-have for your family's bookshelf because:
It helps parents who aren't sure how to start the conversation, or don't know if they're doing it right.
It teaches children the names of their genitals in an approachable way.
It teaches the purpose of body parts in an inclusive way that helps all kids see themselves in the pages.
It encourages a view of genitals as just another body part your child can discuss openly with you.
It helps give your child the confidence to talk about potentially uncomfortable or inappropriate situations they may encounter in the future.
It includes interesting facts that some adults may not even know!
It is beautifully and thoughtfully illustrated - making it a great gift and recommendation as well!"
"Raised by a children's librarian and a sex therapist, CORY SILVERBERG split the difference and grew up to be a sexuality educator and writer. With an academic background in education and counseling psychology, he has developed and facilitated workshops for hundreds of agencies across North America, working on a range of topics. In 2012, Silverberg developed a book project—What Makes a Baby?—that became the best-funded children's book on Kickstarter. He subsequently signed a three-book deal with Seven Stories Press to produce a series of inclusive children's books about gender and sexuality."
Sex is a funny word: A book about bodies, feelings, and you.
By Corey Silverberg. Illustrated by Fiona Smyth. 2015. 9-12 years.
* "Exciting, enlightening, and innovative, this book addresses timeless questions about sex for a new generation of kids who are increasingly aware of the broad spectrum of gender and sexual identities." —Clara Hendricks, School Library Journal, starred review
* "With skin tones in unlikely shades (blue! purple! green!) and wildly diverse crowd scenes, chances are good that any reader can identify with someone in these pages. Refreshingly, these crowds are diverse in a way that does not appear assembled by checklist. Lively design, bright, clashing colors, cartoon-style illustrations, comic strips, and plenty of humor support the informal, inclusive approach ... This carefully thought-out explanation may surprise but should be widely appreciated." —Kirkus Reviews
* "You could send your kid to college and graduate school, and years of therapy, to learn how to lovingly come to terms with their gender and sexuality. Or you could simply read this book with them—it's that thorough, and that good." —Kate Bornstein, author of My New Gender Workbook
* “Sex Is a Funny Word is a book that brilliantly reminds us of our shared humanity. Whether you are LGBTQIA or any other letter in the alphabet (including 'U' for undecided), this book contains everything you ever wanted the kids in your life to know about sex.“ —James Lecesne, co-founder, The Trevor Project
* "Sex Is a Funny Word opens a portal to a world where gender is exactly what we say it is rather than simply the sum of our ‘middle parts.’ Silverberg provides the template for all of us to see the simplicity with which we can step out of today’s binary gender paradigm." —Aidan Key, founder of the Gender Odyssey Conference
By Corey Silverberg. Illustrated by Fiona Smyth. 2013. 3-5 years.
"Geared to readers from preschool to age eight, What Makes a Baby is a book for every kind of family and every kind of kid. It is a twenty-first century children’s picture book about conception, gestation, and birth, which reflects the reality of our modern time by being inclusive of all kinds of kids, adults, and families, regardless of how many people were involved, their orientation, gender and other identity, or family composition. Just as important, the story doesn’t gender people or body parts, so most parents and families will find that it leaves room for them to educate their child without having to erase their own experience.
Written by sexuality educator Cory Silverberg, and illustrated by award-winning Canadian artist Fiona Smyth, What Makes a Baby is as fun to look at as it is useful to read."
Click for French edition.
* Finalist for the 2014 Lambda Award for LGBT Children's/Young Adult..
* “What Makes a Baby is extraordinary! Cory is a Dr. Spock for the 21st century.”—Susie Bright
* “A Truly Inclusive Way to Answer the Question 'Where Do Babies Come From?': The new book What Makes a Baby offers an origin story for all children, no matter what their families look like." —The Atlantic
* "This is a solid, occasionally quirky book on an important topic."—School Library Journal
You know, sex: Bodies, gender, puberty, and other things
By Corey Silverberg. Illustrated by Fiona Smyth. April 2022. 9-12 years.
Click for French edition.
* "Cory Silverberg bucks decades of conventional wisdom on how to teach kids about intimacy." —Elaine Blair, The New York Times Magazine
* "The pure energy of Smyth's art set the tone for the entire work. . . Silverberg's writing is fearless, digging into the messiness of the human experience with an eye toward justice. Here is that rare voice that can talk about the hardest things kids go through in ways that are thoughtful, lighthearted and always respectful of their intelligence. . . . You Know, Sex is an important book, and not only for the breadth of issues it covers. Silverberg portrays adolescence with tremendous honesty, and demonstrates a clear love for young readers." —Rachel Brian, The New York Times Book Review
* "Accessible, and palatable, . . . You Know, Sex soars with the diversity of its characters, its vibrant colors, and its sensitive yet funny examination of gender, puberty, and, commendably, issues of consent. . . . [A] welcome alternative to the dry sex-ed texts of yesteryear." ―Mahnaz Dar, Kirkus Reviews
* "You Know, Sex confronts those feelings of awkwardness and shame head-on and deals with them through care, playfulness, and approachable language. ... Instead of telling its readers how they should feel about something, it offers explanations on a given topic, then leaves it up to the reader to decide how to react. ... It can be deeply affirming, even as an adult, to read a book like You Know, Sex that talks about tender topics with you in mind." ―CBC Arts (Canada)
* "In what many readers will recognize as their signature approach, they tackle often confusing topics (you know, sex) against a delightfully diverse backdrop of skin tones, body sizes, and abilities in a fun, text-heavy style infused with warmth, humor, and emotional intelligence. . . . A necessary invitation for young people to explore." ―Kirkus Reviews
* "You Know, Sex is a beautifully inclusive, thoughtfully-crafted, engaging book that provides tweens and teens the holistic, timely sex ed they deserve. Parents and caring adults will also benefit from reading this book to support the talks and receive the sex ed they wish they'd had." ―Melissa Pintor Carnagey, LBSW, Founder and Lead Educator at Sex Positive Families, parent of three, and author of Sex Positive Talks to Have With Kids
How to talk to your kids about sex: An age-by-age guide
​Talking to your kid about sex can be daunting. So we asked the experts how and when to cover everything from sex and puberty to gender identity and consent.
By Lindsay Kneteman, Today's Parent e-magazine. Sep 24, 2021. (CANADA)
"(Nadine Thornhill, a Toronto-based sex educator and mom to an 11-year-old) recommends avoiding connecting sexual biology to gender. Thornhill explains that by watching your language now, you set the groundwork for easier conversations about gender roles and identities later."
Planned Parenthood website.
"How do I answer my 1st grader’s questions about sex? How do I help my teen wait until they’re older to have sex? Learn how to give your kid helpful, factual, and age appropriate information according to your own values."
"Explore Topic by Age:
​Preschool: What should I teach my preschooler about sex and sexuality?
Elementary School: How do I talk with my elementary school aged child about sex and sexuality?
Middle School: What should I teach my preteen middle schooler about sex and sexuality?
High School: What should I teach my high school-aged teen about sex and sexuality?
Tips for Talking to All Ages: How do I talk to my child about sexual and reproductive health?"
"I'm Cath, a sex educator living in Australia with my husband and 2 kids. I help parents to talk about sex (with less cringe and more confidence) and empower their child to make smart sexual decisions. To find a better way to talk about sex, you can join my community of parents and visit my shop for helpful resources.
NOTE: Before passing any book to your child or reading the book with your child, you should read it yourself first. I might think it is a great book for a certain age child or that the information is valuable, but you may disagree. You need to choose books that reflect your values and the messages you want your child to receive."
Best children's books about diversity and inclusion ​(book list)
​By Cath Hakanson of Sex Ed Rescue. (AUS)
400+ books for kids of all ages & every topic
"A Guide for Parents:
From how babies are made to puberty to sex, this guide has you covered! There are now over 400 books in this list, and I keep adding more each month (sorry, but they keep on publishing them!)
You’ll find a video review of each book, with many also including a written review. Many parents have asked me for a transcription of the videos, so they are slowly being added.
You will only find books included that are still available at book shops. There are a couple of books included that you can’t buy new (but you can buy secondhand through Ebay or Abebooks ) but they are so good that I had to include them (one is a 3D pop-up book of sex!).
You can find a huge list of every individual sex education books that I have reviewed as well as books sorted into over 30 different sex education topics.
You’ll also find age specific book lists, from babies all the way up to kids aged 14 and older! And if you’ve got a child going through puberty, you’ll also find puberty books sorted into the different ages as well. You’ll also find a list of other helpful sex education resources.
If you’re unsure about the best way to read these types of books with kids, in this article you’ll discover the secret of reading sex education books for kids."
The best children’s books on being transgender ​(book list) ​
By Cath Hakanson of Sex Ed Rescue. (AUS)
"One of the biggest changes in sex education over the last decade has been the introduction of children’s books about being transgender. Today we are a lot more aware (than we used to be) that gender does not always match your genitals.
Sex is biological and is assigned when a child is born ie male, female or indeterminate.
Gender is what we identify as and is not assigned at birth. It is more about what we feel like we are, on the inside.
Sometimes gender and sex don’t match. So if someone is born with a penis, the sex of that person would be male, but if that person identifies as female, then their gender is transgirl.
So why do kids need to know about this?
1. The chances of your child coming across gender diversity at school or within the community is very possible.
2. Children need to be inclusive and not discriminate against people who are different.
3. Children who easily accept differences in others will be more accepting of their own differences. Which means they will have higher self-esteem and better body image.
These children’s books on transgender will help you to explain gender diversity to your child. And no, they won’t find it confusing. They will just accept it as another fact of life."
The best gender positive children’s books ​(book list) ​
By Cath Hakanson of Sex Ed Rescue. (AUS)
"If you are wanting to talk to your child about gender, you’ll like some of the gender positive children’s books on this list. They will definitely help you to start having open honest conversations about gender with your child.
The trend today, in regards to talking to kids about gender, is to not stereotype. By stereotype, I mean that we don’t allow society to dictate how they should express their gender. The days of boys not being allowed to wear pink or play with dolls are slowly changing. Today, we allow boys to wear pink and to play with dolls or trucks or whatever it is that they want to play with. We allow children to express their gender in the way that they want to. And we know that letting a boy wear a pink tutu won’t make him grow up to be gay (this is a common fear that parents have as they see it as a sign that their child will be same-sex attracted)."
of Moms of LGBTQ+ Children
Sex ed sites that are inclusive
Serendipitydodah ~ a blog sponsored by the MAMA BEARS ORGANIZATION – for more info visit www.realmamabears.org (US)
​Click on the LINK to get the most up-to-date list.
Amaze.Org - AMAZE takes the awkward out of sex ed. Real info in fun, animated videos that give you all the answers you actually want to know about sex, your body and relationships.
Northwestern University – IMPACT – The LGBT Health and Development Program – Sexual Health Resources
University of Wisconsin LGBT Resource Center – Relationships and Sex
Workshops for LGBTQ Teens & Youth – Love Your Body, Healthy Relationships, & Safer Sex
Scarlateen – sex ed for the real world
OWL – Our Whole Lives – from UUA.org – a series of fully inclusive sexuality education programs for six age groups: grades K-1, grades 4-6, grades 7-9, grades 10-12, Young Adults and Adults.
Talking Sex, Puberty & Relationships – a resource for parents – from planned parenthood – a great resource to help parents be their kid’s go-to resource for answers and advice, from pre-K to college.
Before Play – Beforeplay.org is the hub for Colorado and Michigan efforts to reduce unintended pregnancies, promote good sexual and reproductive health and well-being, and help “normalize” conversations about these topics.
Teen Source – Great source for teens. This website has it all: tons of info on healthy relationships, gender identity, STDs, birth control, your legal rights, and more.
Stay Teen – Tips for teens on how to talk to their doctor about sex and their health, The site includes games, quizzes & relationship forums,
Sex Etc – Sex ed for teens. Sexetc.org has comprehensive sex ed information including: Stories written by teen staff writers and national contributors.
Opportunities to get involved and make a difference on sexual health issues.
The Sex, Etc. blog which addresses timely and relevant news. Forums where teens can participate in moderated discussions with other teens. “Sex in the States,” which is a state-by-state guide to teens’ rights to sex education, birth control and more.
Videos about sexual health. A Sex Terms glossary of almost 400 terms. Accessibility on mobile and tablet devices.
Go here for links to other types of resources.
Children's Books
There are now MANY books available with affirming gender-related themes, including stories of transgender, nonbinary and gender-diverse children. Many are picture books.
See the other “BOOK” sections as well:
Links to online booksellers have been added to help research or buy book titles. Titles were searched on Chapters first (www.chapters.indigo.ca). If not found, the second search was on amazon.ca. If unavailable from either, amazon.com was searched. Paperback copies were the first choice to add. Other formats are available for most of the titles. Local bookstores may have a book title in-store.
If you wish to borrow a book, check your local library. If they do not have the title, ask if they can do an interlibrary loan for you.
Vivek Shraya on the importance of representation in children’s books
We speak with the bestselling author and artist, and share a list of must-read children’s books on gender identity in honour of Pride Month.
By Ameema Saeed. Chapters Indigo. July 2020. (Canada)
“That would be a huge part of what inspired me to become a writer – it was the lack of representation.” — Vivek Shraya
"Stories connect us and teach us empathy—but they can also serve as a mirror to help us learn more about ourselves. Children and young adults in the LGBTQQ2SIA+ community, especially those who are racialized, are often underrepresented in the books they read, and in the media they consume. To help address this gap, the Indigo Love of Reading Foundation partnered with the Skipping Stone Foundation—a nationally recognized agency that connects Trans and gender diverse youth, adults, and families with comprehensive, low barrier access to the support they need and deserve—to create a list of must-read children’s books for Pride.
Vivek Shraya also understands the importance of representation. Shraya—as a queer, Trans, Brown woman and bestselling Canadian author and an acclaimed multidisciplinary artist whose work pushes the boundaries of music, literature, visual art, theatre, and film—is an advocate for the Skipping Stone Foundation. Here, she shares her thoughts on the need for diversity in school libraries, favourite reads growing up, and why she decided to self-publish her first book."
altView Foundation. Strathcona County.
"Listen to a 2SLGBTQ+ story, followed by kid-friendly discussions and an activity.
Live every Friday at 6:30 pm MST. Watch via the altView Foundation's Facebook page.
Visit altview.ca/rainbow-reading for previous livestreams and materials needed for our weekly activity"
Click to see list of VIDEOS of books being read.
LISTS (bibliographies) & PUBLISHERS
A collection curated by the Skipping Stone Foundation. July 2020.
"The boy & the bindi / Red: A crayon's story / Pet / A family is a family is a family / Would you rather be a princess or a dragon? / From the stars in the sky to the fish in the sea / Jonny Appleseed / Jacob's new dress / The other boy / Dress codes for small towns / George."
Flamingo Rampant website
“Hi! We’re Flamingo Rampant, a micropress that makes feminist, culturally-diverse kids books that celebrate LGBT2Q kids, families, and communities. Founded in 2012, we’ve been 100% #ownvoices since before it was even a hashtag. We remain committed to creating beautiful and fun books that kids love to read. Our books show loving, happy, peaceful LGBT2Q kids, families, and communities without bullying or harassment. Kids search for pirates, go to space, create magic, time travel, solve problems, make mistakes, rely on each other, teach, learn, explore – everything that children love to read about, without having to feel shy, bad or “different” about their race, culture, ability, gender, sexuality, or family style.
You can have a look at our website to see what we’ve made so far! Our books include a lot of rad firsts in children’s literature, including the first book about a Two Spirit kid (written by Two Spirit folks) and the first queer Muslim picture book that we’ve seen anywhere, featuring two gay dads, a nonbinary kid, three adventuresome cousins, one purple moondragon, and one environmental lesson.”
Great diverse children's books with transgender, non-binary and gender expansive children
HRC Foundation (Human Rights Campaign). (US)
This page has numerous suggestions of appropriate books. "Best diverse children's books with transgender, non-binary and gender expansive characters".
By Schuyler Bailar (Trans. Advocate, blogger, speaker)
Various book suggestions by school or age level.
Sexual orientation and gender identity: Recommended fiction and nonfiction resources for K-12 schools
This resource list has been compiled by Dr. Kristopher Wells (Edmonton Public Schools), Lindy Pratch (Edmonton Public Library), and Dr. Alvin Schrader [Institute for Sexual Minority Studies and Services (ISMSS), University of Alberta]
By Edmonton Public Schools and Edmonton Public Library. 2nd edn.
Transcend Australia: Reading, listening, viewing
"Transcend Australia has collated this list to help you find the books, zines, comics, graphic novels, podcasts and programs that will guide and inform you, your child, family, friends, colleagues and communities in understanding gender diversity better.
This list has reading material for children, teens/young adults, parents/carers and allies, covering fiction and non-fiction. Everyone has their own tastes and preferences so we have gathered a wide range to select from. It’s not an exhaustive list and are simply suggestions. This collection is an opportunity for you to gather information, discover and learn."
"Transcend Australia is working towards a world where trans, gender diverse and non-binary children are embraced and given every opportunity to thrive and flourish. Transcend’s purpose is to support, affirm and celebrate the lives of trans and gender diverse and non binary (TGDNB) children and their families and carers. Kindness and authenticity will underpin/guide/motivate all our interactions."
Scholastic Books. (US)
“6 Picture books about transgender children. Read these simple children’s books to help kids understand child what transgender means. Adults often say that children will get confused by too much information when really it’s just that the adults feel unable to explain the subject to the kids. These books will help that — they break it down and help parents explain the topic. When we have more information we can create more understanding.”
Books covered:
I am Jazz by Jessica Herthel
My princess boy by Cheryl Kilodavis
10,000 dresses by Marcus Ewert
Red by Michael Hall
Jacob’s new dress by Sarah & Ian Hoffman
All I want is to be me by Phyllis Rosenblatt.
Stand With Trans children's books
Stand With Trans. (US)
Bibliography. 'This includes an annotated list of transgender and non-binary themed materials, listed in alphabetical order by author’s last name. The list includes (in order):
Children’s Picture Books - for littles of preschool and early elementary school ages
Juvenile Fiction and Nonfiction for elementary school ages
Young Adult Fiction, Biographies, Nonfiction and Magazines for middle school and high school ages
Books, Training Resources, and Articles and Information of Interest for Parents and Adults including Fiction, Biographies, Nonfiction, and Articles
Transgender Themed Documentaries, Feature Length Films, Television Shows"
“Founded by Jason Purcell and Matthew Stepanic, Glass Bookshop is a new space in Edmonton, Alberta, that focuses on Canadian writing with special attention paid to queer and racialized writers.”​
They also carry children’s books which are searchable with this LINK.

99% Chance of magic: Stories of strength and hope for transgender kids
Curated by Amy Eleanor Heart & Abbey Darling. Copy edited by Eyota Wak'ishwit & Luna Merbruja. Produced by Luna Merbruja. Jan 2020. (US)
“Join Heartspark Press on an adventure of the heart in 99% Chance of Magic, the world's first literary collection for transgender children, all written & illustrated by trans women and (C)AMAB non-binary creatives. Our stories explore a variety of wonderous worlds, but one goal connects them all: to cast a protection spell of hope and strength for transgender and non-binary kids everywhere."
"The twelve spells featured in our anthology are the following:
1. A Shapeshifting Spell - written by Misha Lynn Moon & illustrated by Angel Sera
2. 99% Chance of Magic -- written by Alys S. Brooks & illustrated by Jeanelle Tabaranza
3. A Rightful Queen - written by Vivien Al-Miqdam & illustrated by Aria Villafranca
4. The Sisters from the Stars -- written by Amy Heart & illustrated by Wriply M. Bennet
5. Valara and the Magic Eater -- written by A.K. Blue & illustrated by Caterina Gerbasi
6. Can't Stop the Princess -- written & illustrated by Anya L. Archer
7. My Story, Wolf -- written by Abbey Darling & illustrated by Sybil Lamb
8. Night Light -- written by Duna Haller & illustrated by Clara Mejías
9. From a Seed Grew a Girl -- written by Michelle Gannon & illustrated by Anya L. Archer
10. Neshnaj, the Gentle Grey Giant - written by Xemiyulu Tapepechul & illustrated by Ariki Arts
11. Melody Song & The Hymns of the Infinite Sadness - written by Amy Eleanor Heart & illustrated by Wriply M. Bennet
12. The Unicorn of the Sea and Me -- written by Jun Almar'a & illustrated by Clara Emiliana "
10,000 dresses
By Marcus Ewert. 2008
“Every night, Bailey dreams about magical dresses: dresses made of crystals and rainbows, dresses made of flowers, dresses made of windows. . . . Unfortunately, when Bailey’s awake, no one wants to hear about these beautiful dreams. Quite the contrary. “You’re a BOY!” Mother and Father tell Bailey. “You shouldn’t be thinking about dresses at all.”
Then Bailey meets Laurel, an older girl who is touched and inspired by Bailey’s imagination and courage. In friendship, the two of them begin making dresses together. And Bailey’s dreams come true!
This gorgeous picture book—a modern fairy tale about becoming the person you feel you are inside—will delight people of all ages.”
The adventures of Tulip, birthday wish fairy
By S. Bear Bergman. 2012.
“Have you ever wondered what happens to your birthday wishes? Funny or serious, sad or wonderful, every wish gets read by a Birthday Wish Fairy. This year, David wishes for something his Wish Fairy has never heard of before – to turn into a girl.”
Are you a boy or are you a girl?
By Sarah Savage. 2017. (UK)
" Tiny loves costumes! Tiny likes to dress up as an animal, or a doctor, or a butterfly. Tiny also prefers not to tell other children whether they are a boy or a girl. Tiny's friends don't mind, but when Tiny starts a new school their new friends can't help asking one question: "Tiny, are you a boy or are you a girl?"
This brightly illustrated book will open a dialogue with children aged 3+ about gender diversity in a fun and creative way. Featuring a gender neutral protagonist, the book imparts an important message about identity and being who you want to be. Tiny's story will assist parents, family and teachers in giving children the space to express themselves fully, explore different identities and have fun at the same time.
Sarah Savage is a trans-rights campaigner and co-founder of Trans Pride Brighton. She is the co-author of He's My Mom! and She's My Dad! and lives in Brighton with her family.
"A lovely, sensitive, much-needed book that helps all children ask the big questions about identity and gender.'' - Juno Dawson, author of This Book is Gay
Backwards day
By S. Bear Bergman. 2019.
“Backwards day, set on the planet Tenalp, introduces us to a world where there are seventeen seasons, including one where bubblegum falls from the sky for three days and a single day when everything―everything everywhere―is backwards. Andrea looks eagerly forward to Backwards Day every year, so she can turn into a boy for the day. But one year she doesn’t turn along with everyone else. She’s miserable. The very next day, however, she turns into a boy―and stays that way! He’s delighted, but his parents are distressed, and take him to the big city to consult with Backwardsologists. When they finally figure out what’s happened, the miracles of Backwards Day are fully revealed.”
By Todd Parr. 2016. (US)
"In a brand-new companion to his beloved classic It's Okay to Be Different, New York Times bestselling author Todd Parr encourages kids to be proud of who they are inside.
Be who you are!
Be proud of where you're from.
Be a different color. Speak your language.
Wear everything you need to be you.
Who better than Todd Parr to remind kids that their unique traits are what make them so special? With his signature silly and accessible style, Parr encourages readers to embrace all their unique qualities."
The best of Assigned Male
By Sophie Labelle, author and illustrator. May 2021.
"Follow young trans girl, Stephie, and her group of queer friends as they navigate school, family and relationships, and experiences of being trans.
Humorous and acerbic, this ground-breaking graphic narrative brilliantly explores the journey of discovering and embracing your evolving gender identity, and promotes a sense of community and empowerment through artfully illustrated stories.
Based on the hugely successful and influential webcomic Assigned Male, and in print for the first time, this expanded collection contains exclusive content as well as familiar, well-loved characters."
Born ready: The true story of a boy named Penelope
By Jodie Patterson. Apr 2021. Sweden.
“Jodie Patterson, activist and Chair of the Human Rights Campaign Foundation Board, shares her transgender son's experience in this important picture book about identity and acceptance.
Penelope knows that he's a boy. (And a ninja.) The problem is getting everyone else to realize it.
In this exuberant companion to Jodie Patterson's adult memoir, The Bold World, Patterson shares her son Penelope's frustrations and triumphs on his journey to share himself with the world. Penelope's experiences show children that it always makes you stronger when you are true to yourself and who you really are.”
The boy & the bindi
By Vivek Shraya. 2016. Ages 4 to 8.
“In this beautiful children’s picture book by Vivek Shraya, author of the acclaimed God Loves Hair, a five-year-old boy becomes fascinated with his mother’s bindi, the red dot commonly worn by South Asian women to indicate the point at which creation begins, and wishes to have one of his own. Rather than chastise her son, she agrees to it, and teaches him about its cultural significance, allowing the boy to discover the magic of the bindi, which in turn gives him permission to be more fully himself.
Beautifully illustrated with hand paintings by Rajni Perera, The Boy & the Bindi is a joyful celebration of gender and cultural difference.“
*** Click to watch VIDEO of the book being read ***
The boy in the dress
by David Walliams. 2008
“Dennis was different. Why was he different, you ask? Well, a small clue might be in the title of this book. Charming, surprising and hilarious – The Boy in the Dress is everything you would expect from the co-creator of Little Britain. David Walliams’s beautiful first novel will touch the hearts (and funny bones) of children and adults alike.”
The boy with the pink hair
By Perez Hilton. 2011. Ages 3-5.
“He was born that way - The Boy with Pink Hair. He had a cotton candy colored mop that no one had ever seen before . . . Life is not easy being pink. Adults stare at you, little children giggle behind your back and some kids are just mean. But when you have a best friend who appreciates your uniqueness and parents who are loving and supportive, you can do just about anything.”
Call me Max
By Kyle Lukoff. 2019
“When Max starts school, the teacher hesitates to call out the name on the attendance sheet. Something doesn’t seem to fit. Max lets her know the name he wants to be called by – a boy’s name. This begins Max’s journey as he makes new friends and reveals his feelings about his identity to his parents. Written with warmth and sensitivity by trans writer Kyle Lukoff, this book is a sweet and age-appropriate introduction to what it means to be transgender.”
By JR Ford and Vanessa Ford. Release date November 9, 2021.
"In this joyful and impactful picture book, a transgender boy prepares for the first day of school and introduces himself to his family and friends for the first time.
Calvin has always been a boy, even if the world sees him as a girl. He knows who he is in his heart and in his mind but he hasn't yet told his family. Finally, he can wait no longer: 'I'm not a girl," he tells his family. 'I'm a boy--a boy in my heart and in my brain.'
Quick to support him, his loving family takes Calvin shopping for the swim trunks he's always wanted and back-to-school clothes and a new haircut that helps him look and feel like the boy he's always known himself to be. As the first day of school approaches, he's nervous and the 'what-ifs' gather up inside him. But as his friends and teachers rally around him and he tells them his name, all his 'what-ifs' begin to melt away.
Inspired by the authors' own transgender child and accompanied by warm and triumphant illustrations, this authentic and personal text promotes kindness and empathy, offering a poignant and inclusive back-to-school message: all should feel safe, respected, and welcomed."
“Calvin is a perfect book to help readers understand and comprehend the perspective of a transgender child. It’s heartwarming, honest, filled with beautiful illustrations and provides a comforting tool for any child who may be nervous about presenting their true selves to the world that surrounds them.” —Jeanette Jennings, “I am Jazz” TV series and President of the Transkids Purple Rainbow Foundation
“Calvin is an absolute delight. I couldn’t even get through the first few pages without crying happy tears. What a heartfelt, beautiful book—one that I hope every kid, parent, and educator reads. Chances are there’s a Calvin somewhere in your life, and I hope you take the time to hear their story.” —Robbie Couch, author of The Sky Blues
"Calvin is the heartwarming and affirming story all trans children deserve. Everyone can learn what acceptance looks like from this book." —Amanda Jetté Knox, author of Love Lives Here and LGBTQ advocate
By Ris iRAWniQ Anderson. Feb 2021. (US)
“Charlie is a fluid 5th grader whom absolutely loves art! As the school talent show approaches, she navigates bullying, newfound friendship, and self-empowerment all while preparing for her best creation yet.”
"Ris iRAWniQ Anderson (RAW), is the author of Charlie’s Best Work Yet, a beautifully illustrated children’s book about an artistic, androgynous grade school girl, who thanks to a fellow student, discovers and then finds strength in her newfound hero, Grace Jones. RAW is a non-binary masculine-identified author, alternative musician, voice over artist and actor and 'momma to my 12 year old shy, yet brilliant boy.' They are based in Los Angeles. More about iRAWniQ here. @irawniq "
Cheeky Charlie learns about gender
By Charlie Lowthian-Rickert, Anne Lowthian-Rickert and Sonja Martin. Ontario, Canada. Oct 18, 2023.
"Charlie is a three-year-old kid with big green eyes, blond curly hair and long eyelashes. When not playing with cats, cars, or singing and dancing, Charlie asks A LOT of questions. People think Charlie is very cheeky, but Charlie just wants answers. Charlie feels different from the other kids. After a class trip to a butterfly exhibit, Charlie learns how being authentic and curious are good parts of themself."
Don’t mess with Edgar’s tutu
By Tania N. Newell. 2020
“Edgar is a trailblazer in his own right. Through this playful rhyming text and lively illustrations, this inspiring picture book shows a little boy embracing and supporting his choice to be himself unapologetically. Parents and caregivers of young children should pay attention to the critical role that Edgar’s teacher/adult played in this fun yet thought-provoking story about confidence and self-expression.“
Except when they don’t
By Laura Gehl. 2019
“This rhyming picture book encourages children to celebrate their individuality and lets them know that it’s okay to play with whatever toys they want to!
Girls perform to fairy songs.
Boys play football all day long.
Boys yell, “Boo!” and run away.
Girls like kittens and ballet.
Except when they don’t.
Children are often told by many different people about what toys they’re supposed to play with, what interests they should have, and who they should be simply because of their gender. This stereotype-breaking book invites children to examine what they’re told “boy” and “girl” activities are and encourages them to play with whatever they want to and to be exactly who they are! This book is published in partnership with GLAAD to accelerate LGBTQ inclusivity and acceptance.”
A family is a family is a family
By Sara O'Leary. 2016.
"When a teacher asks the children in her class to think about what makes their families special, the answers are all different in many ways - but the same in the one way that matters most of all.
One child is worried that her family is just too different to explain, but listens as her classmates talk about what makes their families special. One is raised by a grandmother, and another has two dads. One has many stepsiblings, and another has a new baby in the family.
As her classmates describe who they live with and who loves them - family of every shape, size and every kind of relation - the child realizes that as long as her family is full of caring people, it is special.
A warm and whimsical look at many types of families, written by award-winning author Sara O''Leary, with quirky and sweet illustrations by Qin Leng."
From the stars in the sky to the fish in the sea
By Kai Cheng Thom. 2017
“A magical gender variant child brings transformation and change to the world around them thanks to their mother’s enduring love.
In the magical time between night and day, when both the sun and the moon are in the sky, a child is born in a little blue house on a hill. And Miu Lan is not just any child, but one who can change into any shape they can imagine. The only problem is they can’t decide what to be: a boy or a girl? A bird or a fish? A flower or a shooting star? At school, though, they must endure inquisitive looks and difficult questions from the other children, and have trouble finding friends who will accept them for who they are.
But they find comfort in the loving arms of their mother, who always offers them the same loving refrain: “whatever you dream of / i believe you can be / from the stars in the sky to the fish in the sea.
In this captivating, beautifully imagined picture book about gender, identity, and the acceptance of the differences between us, Miu Lan faces many questions about who they are and who they may be. But one thing’s for sure: no matter who this child becomes, their mother will love them just the same”.
By Hunter Chinn-Raicht. The Gender Cool Project, Portland OR. Coming June 2021. Ages 5+.
Includes "A kids book about being inclusive", "A kids book about being non-binary", and "A kids book about being transgender."
The gender fairy
By Jo Hirst. Age 4+.
“The Gender Fairy is a simple story about two children who find relief in finally being heard. It is a tale of two children who are taking their first joyful steps toward living as their true selves. It is an educational resource for all children and adults to understand what it might feel like to be a transgender child. For children aged four and up, The Gender Fairy is designed to be read aloud in the classroom or at home. It includes notes for parents and teachers to aid discussion and learning, completed in collaboration with Roz Ward (La Trobe University).”
Gracefully Grayson
By Ami Polonsky. 2016
“What if who you are on the outside doesn’t match who you are on the inside?
Grayson Sender has been holding onto a secret for what seems like forever: 'he' is a girl on the inside, stuck in the wrong gender’s body. The weight of this secret is crushing, but sharing it would mean facing ridicule, scorn, rejection, or worse. Despite the risks, Grayson’s true self itches to break free. Will new strength from an unexpected friendship and a caring teacher’s wisdom be enough to help Grayson step into the spotlight she was born to inhabit?
Debut author Ami Polonsky's moving, beautifully-written novel about identity, self-esteem, and friendship shines with the strength of a young person's spirit and the enduring power of acceptance.”
He's my mom! A story for children who have a transgender parent or relative
By Sarah Savage. Sept 2021. (UK)
"My mom's name is David. He used to be a she but now he is a he! Last year he did this thing called transition. He took some medicine which made his voice deeper and he started wearing different clothes."
"When Benjamin's uncle accidentally misgenders his dad David, Benjamin explains why misgendering is hurtful and why we need to treat trans people with respect. Benjamin speaks with confidence about transitioning and gender identity, and helps to educate and empower others with trans relatives or friends.
This brightly illustrated book for children aged 3 - 7 will aid discussion with children about a loved one transitioning or about trans people in general. Featuring a child with a mom who has transitioned, this book passes on an important message about acceptance and respect, and covers pronouns, dysphoria, family diversity and misgendering.
Sarah Savage is a trans-rights campaigner and co-founder of Trans Pride Brighton. She is the co-author of Are You A Boy Or Are You A Girl? and She's My Dad! and lives in Brighton with her family.
By Molly Knox Ostertag. 2018.
“From the creator of the acclaimed graphic novel The Witch Boy comes a new adventure set in the world of magic and shapeshifting -- and ordinary kids just trying to make friends.
Aster and his family are adjusting to his unconventional talent for witchery; unlike the other boys in his family, he isn't a shapeshifter. He's taking classes with his grandmother and helping to keep an eye on his great-uncle whose corrupted magic wreaked havoc on the family. Meanwhile, Aster's friend from the non-magical part of town, Charlie, is having problems of her own -- a curse has tried to attach itself to her. She runs to Aster and escapes it, but now the friends must find the source of the curse before more people -- normal and magical alike -- get hurt.”
His, hers, them & theirs: Learning pronouns with the bears
By Nick North (he/him). Kraft Heinz Canada.
Kraft Peanut Butter presents. "It’s storytime with Crunchy and Smoothie! Join them on their journey as they meet Nick North, friendly neighbourhood Transdad, and learn all about the importance of normalizing pronoun use.
This book also includes a special section for parents to start the conversation with their kids about gender identity and pronoun use. Because creating an inclusive world is the best way to Stick Together."
"For Trans Awareness Week, we want to make the world more inclusive, so we’re releasing a book with our friend @wethenorths about the importance of using pronouns. Available on November 20th with proceeds going to @rainbowrailroad "
A house for everyone: A story to help children learn about gender identity and gender expression
By Jo Hirst. 2018.
“At lunchtime, all of Tom’s friends gather at school to work together building their house. Each one of them has a special job to do, and each one of them has a different way of expressing their gender identity.
Jackson is a boy who likes to wear dresses. Ivy is a girl who likes her hair cut really short. Alex doesn’t feel like ‘just’ a boy, or ‘just’ a girl. They are all the same, they are all different – but they are all friends.
A very simple story that challenges gender stereotypes and shows 4 to 8 year olds that it is OK to be yourself. An engaging story that is more than just an educational tool; this book will assist parents and teachers in giving children the space to explore the full spectrum of gender diversity and will show children the many ways they can express their gender in a truly positive light.“
I am Jazz
By Jessica Herthel and Jazz Jennings. 2014.
“The story of a transgender child based on the real-life experience of Jazz Jennings, who has become a spokesperson for transkids everywhere
“From the time she was two years old, Jazz knew that she had a girl’s brain in a boy’s body. She loved pink and dressing up as a mermaid and didn’t feel like herself in boys’ clothing. This confused her family, until they took her to a doctor who said that Jazz was transgender and that she was born that way. Jazz’s story is based on her real-life experience and she tells it in a simple, clear way that will be appreciated by picture book readers, their parents, and teachers.”
I love my purse
By Belle DeMont. 2020
“Charlie loves his bright red purse, so why does everyone else have a problem with it?
Charlie loves the bright red purse that his grandmother let him have. One day, he decides to take it to school. First his father, then his friends, and even the crossing guard question him about his “strange” choice. After all, boys don’t carry purses. But Charlie isn’t deterred. Before long, his unselfconscious determination starts to affect those around him. His father puts on his favorite Hawaiian shirt to go to work, his friend Charlotte paints her face, and the crossing guard wears a pair of sparkly shoes. Thanks to Charlie, everyone around him realizes that it isn’t always necessary to conform to societal norms. It’s more important to be true to yourself.
With its humorous, energetic illustrations, this book is sure to entertain young readers. It can also be used to open a discussion on gender roles.”
Introducing Teddy: A gentle story about gender and friendship
By Jessica Walton. 2016. US
“Introducing Teddy introduces the youngest readers to understanding gender identity and transition in an accessible and heart-warming story about being true to yourself and being a good friend. Errol and his teddy, Thomas, are best friends who do everything together. Whether it’s riding a bike, playing in the tree house, having a tea party, or all of the above, every day holds something fun to do. One sunny day, Errol finds that Thomas is sad, even when they are playing in their favorite ways. Errol can’t figure out why, until Thomas finally tells Errol what the teddy has been afraid to say: 'In my heart, I’ve always known that I’m a girl teddy, not a boy teddy. I wish my name was Tilly, not Thomas'. And Errol says, 'I don’t care if you’re a girl teddy or a boy teddy! What matters is that you are my friend'."
It feels good to be yourself: A book about gender identity
By Theresa Thorn. 2019
“A picture book that introduces the concept of gender identity to the youngest reader from writer Theresa Thorn and illustrator Noah Grigni.
Some people are boys. Some people are girls. Some people are both, neither, or somewhere in between. This sweet, straightforward exploration of gender identity will give children a fuller understanding of themselves and others. With child-friendly language and vibrant art, It Feels Good to Be Yourself provides young readers and parents alike with the vocabulary to discuss this important topic with sensitivity.”
By Avery Jackson. 2017. (US)
Avery was 9 years old when she published her book with help from her mom.
“It’s Okay To Sparkle is the inspirational story of 7-year-old Avery Jackson, told in her own words. Avery was assigned male at birth, but has now transitioned into a young girl. Her book tells the story of how she realized she was a girl and how she helped her parents and friends to understand her transition. This heart-warming story covers themes of friendship, bullying and self-esteem. Whether you’re into dolls, ninja warriors or teddy bears, climbing trees, tae kwon do or ballet, this book lets readers know that it’s okay to be who you want to be. Avery’s words are incredibly wise and articulate for such a young person and she will undoubtably provide support and inspiration to other families in similar situations.
The book is illustrated by Jessica Udischas, who offers her own perspective of life as a trans woman in her web comic Manic Pixie Nightmare Girls.
It’s Okay To Sparkle was selected for the 2018 Rainbow Book List created by the American Library Association. The Rainbow Book List Committee evaluated 260 books highlighting stories with significant gay, lesbian, bisexual, transgender, or queer/questioning content. Avery is proud to have her story receive this honor."
Jack (not Jackie)
By Erica Silverman. In partnership with GLAAD. 2018
“In this heartwarming picture book, a big sister realizes that her little sister, Jackie, doesn’t like dresses or fairies-she likes ties and bugs! Will she and her family be able to accept that Jackie identifies more as 'Jack'? Susan thinks her little sister Jackie has the best giggle! She can’t wait for Jackie to get older so they can do all sorts of things like play forest fairies and be explorers together. But as Jackie grows, she doesn’t want to play those games. She wants to play with mud and be a super bug! Jackie also doesn’t like dresses or her long hair, and she would rather be called Jack.
Readers will love this sweet story about change and acceptance. This book is published in partnership with GLAAD to accelerate LGBTQ inclusivity and acceptance.”
Jacob’s new dress
By Sarah Hoffman and Ian Hoffman. 2020
“Jacob loves playing dress-up, when he can be anything he wants to be. Some kids at school say he can’t wear 'girl' clothes, but Jacob wants to wear a dress to school. Can he convince his parents to let him wear what he wants? This heartwarming story speaks to the unique challenges faced by children who don’t identify with traditional gender roles.’
Jacob’s room to choose
By Sarah & Ian Hoffman. 2019
“…the beloved lead character from Jacob’s New Dress, which is one of The American Library Association’s top 100 banned books of the last decade, is back in an encouraging story about gender expression. When Jacob goes to the boys’ bathroom he is chased out because the boys think he looks like a girl because of the way he is dressed. His classmate, Sophie, has a similar experience when she tries to go to the girls’ bathroom.
When their teacher finds out what happened, Jacob and Sophie, with the support administration, lead change at their school as everyone discovers the many forms of gender expression and how to treat each other with respect. The companion book, Jacob’s School Play Starring She, He, and They is coming in 2021.”
2020 ALA Rainbow Book List Selection
2020 NCSS/CBC Notable Social Studies Trade Books for Young People Selection
Jacob’s school play: Starring he, she, and they!
By Sarah & Ian Hoffman. May 2021.
“Jacob — star of one of the most banned books of the decade—is back, and ready to put on a school play! While learning their lines and making their costumes, Jacob’s class finds itself unexpectedly struggling with who is 'he', 'she', or 'they'. Jacob’s School Play is an engaging way to introduce young readers to non-binary people and the pronoun options available to us all. Learning that individuals are more nuanced than how others see them is a developmentally important milestone, and helps foster respect of one’s self and one’s peers.”
Jamie is Jamie: A book about being yourself and playing your way
By Afsaneh Moradian. 2018.
"When free-spirited Jamie arrives at a new preschool, all the children learn that gender expression doesn't determine which toys to play with. There are so many fun things to play with at Jamie’s new preschool—baby dolls to care for, toy cars to drive—and Jamie wants to play with them all! But the other children are confused by Jamie’s gender expression . . . is Jamie a boy or a girl? Some toys are just for girls and others are just for boys, aren’t they? Not according to Jamie!
Join Jamie’s new friends as they learn the importance of cooperation, creativity, and empathy. Jamie Is Jamie is a great way to start a conversation with children about gender expression by: challenging gender stereotypes; showing readers that playing is fundamental to learning; reinforcing the idea that all children need the freedom to play unencumbered.
A special section for teachers, parents, and caregivers provides tips on how to make children’s playtime learning time."
Julián Is a Mermaid
By Jessica Love. 2019. (US)
“In an exuberant picture book, a glimpse of costumed mermaids leaves one boy flooded with wonder and ready to dazzle the world. While riding the subway home from the pool with his abuela one day, Julián notices three women spectacularly dressed up. Their hair billows in brilliant hues, their dresses end in fishtails, and their joy fills the train car. When Julián gets home, daydreaming of the magic he’s seen, all he can think about is dressing up just like the ladies in his own fabulous mermaid costume: a butter-yellow curtain for his tail, the fronds of a potted fern for his headdress. But what will Abuela think about the mess he makes — and even more importantly, what will she think about how Julián sees himself?
Mesmerizing and full of heart, Jessica Love’s author-illustrator debut is a jubilant picture of self-love and a radiant celebration of individuality."
A kids book about being inclusive
By Ashton Mota & Rebekah Bruesehoff. The Gender Cool Project, Portland OR. Jun 2021. Ages 5+.
"What does it mean to be inclusive? Being inclusive is a choice we can make every day! Being inclusive means reaching out to and welcoming all people and everything that makes them who they are. When we learn to see the beauty in our differences, we can embrace the rich, diverse, and amazing world we live in together!"
A kids book about being non-binary
By Hunter Chinn-Raicht. The Gender Cool Project, Portland OR. Jun 2021. Ages 5+.
"What does being non-binary mean? For some people, the question and its answer may be new or a little confusing. It’s okay to not know what it means! That’s where all good conversations start. The journey to understanding starts with an open mind and an open heart."
A kids book about being transgender
By Gia Parr. The Gender Cool Project, Portland OR. Jun 2021. Ages 5+.
"People often ask, what does it mean to be transgender? The truth is there isn't one answer. Gender is uniquely beautiful, and each person's experience is individual to them. But at its core, it’s all about knowing who you are and having the courage, freedom, and support to live life being your truest self."
by Omid Razavi. Pop-up book. Ages 3-5. 2019. (Toronto/Canada)
LGBTQ+"...children's pop-up book celebrating the coming out journey. This fun and interactive 26-page pop-up book embraces the messaging of diversity, acceptance, and embracing your truths, especially within the LGBTQ+ community."
By Emma Donoghu. 2017. Grades 4-6.
“Sumac Lottery has a pretty sweet life. Four parents (in two loving couples), six siblings, five pets, and a big old house in Toronto. Her world is turned upside down when Grumps, an estranged grandparent, comes to stay. Grumps, who has dementia and is often disoriented, doesn't approve of anything he sees at the Lotterys' house, and Sumac doesn't approve of him one bit. Grumps is, well, grumpy and set in his somewhat bigoted ways, and the Lotterys are a lot to take in.
Donoghue is the author of many acclaimed books for adults, and her first title for young readers is a kind of realistic fantasy, a warmhearted, deeply improbable, emotionally alert jumble of ancient Sumerian, lottery winnings, elaborate family rituals, gelato, and acceptance.
Many issues are touched upon in this novel, including homeschooling, gender fluidity, and diverse cultural traditions; in Donoghue's capable hands, they are treated with a cheerful self-awareness that lends itself to a timely and funny reading experience.”
Max and the talent show
By Kyle Lukoff. 2020
“Max picks the perfect dress, shoes, and more to shine in the school talent show, but once on stage he needs his best friend and assistant, Steven, to figure out what to perform.”
Me and my dysphoria monster: An empowering story to help children cope with gender dysphoria
By Laura Kate Dale. Aug 2022.
​"Nisha's monster follows her everywhere. It used to be small, but recently her monster has begun to grow. And as her monster gets bigger and bigger, Nisha feels more and more unlike herself.
​ When people refer to her as a boy, or when she tries to hide her true gender identity, Nisha's dysphoria monster grows larger and larger. Until, one day, Nisha meets Jack - a trans man - who shows Nisha how she can shrink her dysphoria monster back down to size.
This touching story is the perfect book for discussing gender dysphoria with children, explaining what it is and how they and their families can deal with it. It also includes an accompanying guide for parents with further information about gender dysphoria, terminology, and first-hand examples of the author's own experiences."
Melissa (previously published as George)
By Alex Gino. 2017.
“BE WHO YOU ARE. When people look at Melissa, they think they see a boy named George. But she knows she's not a boy. She knows she's a girl. Melissa thinks she'll have to keep this a secret forever. Then her teacher announces that their class play is going to be Charlotte's Web. Melissa really, really, REALLY wants to play Charlotte. But the teacher says she can't even try out for the part... because she's a boy. With the help of her best friend, Kelly, Melissa comes up with a plan. Not just so she can be Charlotte -- but so everyone can know who she is, once and for all.”
The unforgettable debut from Stonewall Award Winner Alex Gino. George joins the Scholastic Gold line, which features award-winning and beloved novels. Includes exclusive bonus content!
By Molly Knox Ostertag. 2019.
“The acclaimed graphic novel world of The Witch Boy and The Hidden Witch comes to a thrilling conclusion in this story of friendship, family, and finding your true power.
Magic has a dark side . . . Aster always looks forward to the Midwinter Festival, a reunion of the entire Vanissen family that includes competitions in witchery and shapeshifting. This year, he's especially excited to compete in the annual Jolrun tournament-as a witch. He's determined to show everyone that he's proud of who he is and what he's learned, but he knows it won't be easy to defy tradition.
Ariel has darker things on her mind than the Festival-like the mysterious witch who's been visiting her dreams, claiming to know the truth about Ariel's past. She appreciates everything the Vanissens have done for her. But Ariel still craves a place where she truly belongs. The Festival is a whirlwind of excitement and activity, but for Aster and Ariel, nothing goes according to plan. When a powerful and sinister force invades the reunion, threatening to destroy everything the young witches have fought for, can they find the courage to fight it together? Or will dark magic tear them apart?”
Morris Micklewhite and the tangerine dress
By Christine Baldachinno. 2014. (Canada)
“Morris is a little boy who loves using his imagination. He dreams about having space adventures, paints beautiful pictures and sings the loudest during circle time. But most of all, Morris loves his classroom’s dress-up center — he loves wearing the tangerine dress. But the children in Morris’s class don’t understand. Dresses, they say, are for girls. And Morris certainly isn’t welcome in the spaceship some of his classmates are building. Astronauts, they say, don’t wear dresses.
One day when Morris feels all alone, and sick from the taunts of his classmates, his mother lets him stay home from school. Morris reads about elephants, and puts together a puzzle, and dreams of a fantastic space adventure with his cat, Moo. Inspired by his dream, Morris paints the incredible scene he saw, and brings it with him to school. He builds his own spaceship, hangs his painting on the front of it and takes two of his classmates on an outer space adventure.
With warm, dreamy illustrations Isabelle Malenfant perfectly captures Morris’s vulnerability and the vibrancy of his imagination. This is a sweetly told story about the courage and creativity it takes to be different.“
Muffy was fluffy
By Rikki Marie-josée Dubois. 2019. (Manitoba author / Canada)
"Many people are finding that the gender in which they were raised is not the one that they are comfortable with. Whether they are changing from male to female or female to male, these changes affect everybody in the person's life. The changes are required in order for the person to live fully and completely as their true selves.
How does one explain to a young child why their loved one is changing their gender? "Muffy was Fluffy" was written to show young children how a beloved pet, Fluffy, is not comfortable with the way she was born and in order to be truly happy, she must change into Muffy, the type of pet she was meant to be."
​"Rikki is a university educated transgender woman from Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada. After suffering from depression her whole life, Rikki realized at 45 years old that the depression was caused by Rikki living her life as male while having a female brain. While researching information on gender dysphoria, she realized that there are no books available to help young children understand why a parent or loved one should change their gender. So she wrote Muffy was Fluffy. Rikki currently lives with her partner and their black Pomeranian named Tux and their terrier cross named Spirit. She is the parent of two adult sons who accept her for who she is."
See VIDEO of Kerri Isham reading this book.
My awesome brother: A children's book about transgender acceptance
By Lise Frances. 2019. Ages 4+. (Canada)
"Do you wish to teach your child about different facets of gender diversity or do you have a family member who is transitioning? My Awesome Brother is written from a young child’s perspective when an adored older sibling is transitioning. It follows the younger child’s efforts to be supportive and the joy they both feel after the transition.
It is written for children aged four and older, to start a conversation around gender diversity. It is a useful tool for families and friends of the transgender community. It can be read by people of all ages to gain an insight to the gender diverse world or read to children who are seeing gender diversity in their family or friends."
My princess boy
By Cheryl Kilodavis. 2010
“A heartwarming book about unconditional love and one remarkable family.
Dyson loves pink, sparkly things. Sometimes he wears dresses. Sometimes he wears jeans. He likes to wear his princess tiara, even when climbing trees. He’s a Princess Boy. Inspired by the author’s son, and by her own initial struggles to understand, this heartwarming book is a call for tolerance and an end to bullying and judgments. The world is a brighter place when we accept everyone for who they are.”
My rainbow
By DeShanna Neal, Trinity Neal. 2020. Age 4-8.
“A dedicated mom puts love into action as she creates the perfect rainbow-colored wig for her transgender daughter, based on the real-life experience of mother-daughter advocate duo Trinity and DeShanna Neal.
Warm morning sunlight and love fill the Neal home. And on one quiet day, playtime leads to an important realization: Trinity wants long hair like her dolls. She needs it to express who she truly is. So her family decides to take a trip to the beauty supply store, but none of the wigs is the perfect fit. Determined, Mom leaves with bundles of hair in hand, ready to craft a wig as colorful and vibrant as her daughter is.
With powerful text by Trinity and DeShanna Neal and radiant art by Art Twink, My Rainbow is a celebration of showing up as our full selves with the people who have seen us fully all along.”
--- Article on Trinity:
How one trans 12-year-old is planning on changing the narrative
By Taylor Lewis. Essence. Sept 2016
“From a young age, Trinity Neal knew that she wasn’t a boy. Now, she’s hoping her story will help make trans acceptance the norm.”
My shadow Is pink
By Scott Stuart. April 2021.
“My Shadow Is Pink is a beautifully written rhyming story that touches on the subjects of gender identity, self acceptance, equality and diversity. Inspired by the author’s own little boy, the main character likes princesses, fairies and things 'not for boys.' He soon learns (through the support of his dad) that everyone has a shadow that they sometimes feel they need to hide. This is an important book for a new generation of children (and adults alike) which exemplifies the concepts of unconditional love, respect and positive parenting. Empowers LBGTQ children and the wider community with its strong and powerful message. Encourages self love and acceptance. Teaches children the concept of diversity, equality and inclusion. Creates opportunity for open discussion and learning. Highlights current themes of gender identity. Bright and colorful illustrations by Scott Stuart.”
By Adria Karlsson. Aug 2021.
"Daisy's older brother is thrilled when he gets a new sibling. They are best buddies who do everything together. But in kindergarten, things change. His sibling tells him she is a girl and wants to be called Daisy. Daisy's brother must adjust to the change--including what it means for him and their relationship. A powerful, moving picture book based on a true story, My Sister, Daisy handles a sensitive subject with warmth and love."
The name I call myself
By Hasan Namir. Illustrated by Cathryn John. CBC Books. 2020. (Canada)
"A sweet and moving picture book depicting Ari's gender journey from childhood to adolescence in order to discover who they really are.
Meet Ari, a young person who doesn't like to be called by their birth name Edward: 'When I think of the name Edward, I imagine old kings who snore a lot.' Throughout this beautiful and engaging picture book, we watch Ari grow up before our very eyes as they navigate the ins and outs of their gender identity; we see how, as a child, they prefer dolls and princess movies, and want to grow out their hair, though their father insists on cutting it short, "because that''s what boys look like." At nine, they play hockey but wish they could try on their mother''s dresses; at fifteen, they shave their face, hoping to have smooth skin like the girls. At sixteen, they want to run away, especially from their father, who insists, 'You're a boy, so you have to act like one.' Who will Ari become?
Moving from age six to adolescence, The Name I Call Myself touchingly depicts Edward's tender, solitary gender journey to Ari: a new life distinguished and made meaningful by self-acceptance and unconditional love."
By Airlie Anderson. 2018
“In this colorful and touching story that celebrates what makes each of us unique, a little creature that’s not quite a bird and not quite a bunny–it’s “neither”–searches for a place to fit in.
In the Land of This and That, there are only two kinds: blue bunnies and yellow birds. But one day a funny green egg hatches, and a little creature that’s not quite a bird and not quite a bunny pops out. It’s neither!
Neither tries hard to fit in, but its bird legs aren’t good for jumping like the other bunnies, and its fluffy tail isn’t good for flapping like the other birds. It sets out to find a new home and discovers a very different place, one with endless colors and shapes and creatures of all kinds. But when a blue bunny and a yellow bird with some hidden differences of their own arrive, it’s up to Neither to decide if they are welcome in the Land of All. This colorful, simple, and touching story promotes diversity and offers a valuable lesson to the youngest of audiences: it is our differences that unite us.”
Nonnie talks about gender
By Dr Mary Jo Podgurski. 2014
“Do today’s children have questions about gender? Of course! Nonnie Talks about Gender seeks to open the door to parent/child communication by addressing potentially complicated and controversial issues with sensitivity and warmth. Alice Burroughs’ lovely illustrations form the backdrop for the story of two best friend, Alex and Tamika, as their many questions about gender are answered by Alex’s grandma, Nonnie. Gender, gender roles, and gender identity are explored while reinforcing the need for respect and empathy while dealing with difference. The book is interactive. It is divided into brief chapters that allow readers to pause and consider each lesson. A parent/teacher/trusted adult guide, glossary and resources are included.“
​​​One of a kind, like me / Único como yo
By Laurin Mayeno. (English and Spanish Edition) 2016.
"Tomorrow is the school parade, and Danny knows exactly what he will be: a princess. Mommy supports him 100%, and they race to the thrift store to find his costume. It's almost closing time - will Danny find the costume of his dreams in time? One of A Kind, Like Me / Único como yo is a sweet story about unconditional love and the beauty of individuality. It's a unique book that lifts up children who don't fit gender stereotypes, and reflects the power of a loving and supportive community."
By Jonathan Van Ness. Mar 2020. (US)
"Jonathan Van Ness, the star of Netflix’s hit show Queer Eye, brings his signature humor and positivity to his empowering first picture book, inspiring readers of all ages to love being exactly who they are.
Peanut Goes for the Gold is a charming, funny, and heartfelt picture book that follows the adventures of Peanut, a gender nonbinary guinea pig who does everything with their own personal flare.
Peanut just has their own unique way of doing things. Whether it’s cartwheeling during basketball practice or cutting their own hair, this little guinea pig puts their own special twist on life. So when Peanut decides to be a rhythmic gymnast, they come up with a routine that they know is absolutely perfect, because it is absolutely, one hundred percent Peanut.
This upbeat and hilarious picture book, inspired by Jonathan’s own childhood guinea pig, encourages children to not just be themselves—but to boldly and unapologetically love being themselves.
Jonathan Van Ness brings his signature message of warmth, positivity, and self-love to this boldly original picture book that celebrates the joys of being true to yourself and the magic that comes from following your dreams."
Perfectly Bella
By Camilla Gisslow. Mar 2021. Sweden. Ages 3-9.
“How does it feel to be a girl when you have a penis? And how does Bella want others to treat her?”
Series of 3 books by Camilla Gisslow:
"Meet Linus, Bella and Charlie. Three kids with different identities here to tell us how they want to look on the outside and how we can embrace them for who they are on the inside. Join them as they celebrate their chosen new names with a name-party at school. In these special books, the families are as diverse as the children. Linus has a mom and dad. Bella's family is Muslim. Charlie has two moms. Whether a parent teacher or relative, we all want our children to be happy and shine. We must let those we love be perfectly themselves.
Click to see INTERVIEW.
Perfectly Charlie
By Camilla Gisslow. Mar 2021. Sweden. Ages 3-9.
“How does it feel to be both a girl and a boy? And how does Charlie want others to treat them?”
Series of 3 books by Camilla Gisslow: Meet Linus, Bella and Charlie. Three kids with different identities here to tell us how they want to look on the outside and how we can embrace them for who they are on the inside. Join them as they celebrate their chosen new names with a name-party at school. In these special books, the families are as diverse as the children. Linus has a mom and dad. Bella's family is Muslim. Charlie has two moms. Whether a parent teacher or relative, we all want our children to be happy and shine. We must let those we love be perfectly themselves."
Click to see INTERVIEW.
Perfectly Linus
By Camilla Gisslow. Mar 2021. Sweden. Ages 3-9. Series of 3 books.
“How does it feel to be a boy when you have a vagina? And how does Linus want others to treat him?
Meet Linus, Bella and Charlie. Three kids with different identities here to tell us how they want to look on the outside and how we can embrace them for who they are on the inside. Join them as they celebrate their chosen new names with a name-party at school. In these special books, the families are as diverse as the children. Linus has a mom and dad. Bella's family is Muslim. Charlie has two moms. Whether a parent teacher or relative, we all want our children to be happy and shine. We must let those we love be perfectly themselves."
Click to see INTERVIEW.
Phoenix goes to school: A story to support transgender and gender diverse children
by Michelle Finch. July 2018. (US)
“Phoenix wants to wear her favourite purple dress to express her gender, but she is scared of being bullied on her first day of school. Follow Phoenix’s journey as she arrives at school, makes some friends, stands up for herself, and helps us learn to be true to who we really are.”